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A Changing Places toilet is a fully accessible toilet and is different from a standard accessible toilet or disabled toilet. Features include:

  • 12m2 - adequate space in the changing area for the disabled person and up to two carers as detailed in British Standard BS800: 2009

  • A height-adjustable adult-sized changing bench

  • An overhead tracking system or mobile hoist

  • A peninsular toilet - a centrally placed WC with room either side

  • A screen or curtain to allow some privacy

  • A non-slip floor

  • Requirements such as door types, security locks, access and signage

These toilets should be provided in addition to standard accessible toilets. Changing Places toilets are adapted to the needs of those who need assistance to the toilet and/or change continence pads, such as the elderly or who have learning and/or physical disabilities. It is estimated that up to 250,000 users need access to this type of toilet facility and there are calls for them to be installed in all large public places.

Changing Places Toilet Government Regulations

In July 2020, there was a major change to the building rules in England requiring thousands of Changing Places toilet facilities to be designed and built into new public buildings from 2021. A £30 million fund to install Changing Places in existing buildings is planned.

Places of assembly, recreation and entertainment with a capacity for 350 or more people will be required to install the facilities if they are newly built or have a major refurbishment. They include art galleries, cinemas, concert halls, conference centres, further education colleges, universities, hotels that include leisure facilities, libraries, motorway services, museums, places of worship, and theatres.

Shopping centres or retail parks with gross floor areas of 30,000m2 or more, retail premises of 2,500m2 or more, sport or leisure buildings over 5,000m2, and stadia, theme parks, zoos, or exhibition centres with a capacity above 2,000 people will also be included in the rules.

How I can help

I can advise you on all the Changing Places toilets requirements to ensure any facility you offer is compliant. I regularly get involved in major adaption schemes, as well as new developments and, can perform a 'disability assessment’, considering the adaptations necessary/practical to assist persons with physical motion disabilities, to help you comply with building regulations and project manage from start to finish.

I am a Disability Living Foundation Level 4 Trusted Assessor and also a member of The Access Association, a national association dedicated to access and inclusive design in the UK and a member of the Design In Mental Health Network, for people who have an interest in the design of mental health facilities.

Party Wall Surveyor Hackney, Architectural Services Hackney, Disabled Accommodation Needs Expert London, Disabled Aids and Adaptations London

I take pride in providing a service that is uniquely tailored to the needs of each client, approaching each and every set of instructions with absolute integrity, care and competence. I also ensure that my work is consistently conducted in accordance with the highest professional and ethical standards.


To explore more about the professional services that I can offer you or your business please contact me.

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